Submitted by Name: Sam From: Tyler E-mail: Contact
Comments: Excellent site! This is a great resource, and just what I was looking for. Y’all have real data for my area, which is fantastic. All the other places I looked were completely off / incorrect. Keep up the great work!
Submitted by Name: Margaret From: Jamestown margaretmm E-mail: Contact
Comments: I so appreciate your website! It gives me so much information at my fingertips. Pollen reports are wonderful! Looking forward to finding the weather pictures, too. Would love to know how to access daily/monthly weather history for our area, as well
Added: February 17, 2024
Submitted by Name: Mr Dad From: Overton TX E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have excitedly shared this site with everyone that I have had even the slightest conversation with regarding weather, pointing out the unmatched volume of information availble here. I must tell you though of my huge disappointment at no longer being able to see the 6 hr and 12 hr past radar in the windy dot com radar. Please bring it back, it was the most usfull info on here for me by a longshot.
Added: February 3, 2024
Submitted by Name: Paul From: Whitehouse E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am looking at the "14 day" extended forecast, but all I can see are the remaining 5 days in January, plus the past 25 days ...
Added: January 26, 2024
Submitted by Name: Molly From: The Woods
Comments: I keep this site up on my laptop all the time. I love the depth that is available as well as the quick overview of what's going on in my neighborhood. Really valuable!
Added: January 22, 2024
Submitted by Name: Amber From: Chandler E-mail: Contact
Comments: This is my favorite place to get accurate local pollen counts! I recommend it to everyone that sneezes! Thank you all for your efforts, and keep up the good work!
Added: April 12, 2023
Submitted by Name: Tracy
Comments: I specifically went to the East Texas/Tyler weather site for an update on today’s allergen levels because I’m EXTREMELY symptomatic (itchy eyes, stopped up head, water faucet running nose, etc…). However, at 15:15 on Tuesday (today) and yesterday’s counts are still up!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful that y’all post them. But what if certain people rely on the counts to help determine their daily schedule?? Do y’all have to wait until late in the afternoon before allergen counts can be read? Just wondering!
Added: March 7, 2023
Submitted by Name: Bruce From: Huxley area E-mail: Contact
Comments: Timely updates on Pollen/Allergens would be greatly appreciated. Today is Monday and info on site is from Thursday of previous week.
Added: February 27, 2023
Submitted by Name: David From: Jacksonville E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thanks for posting the local weather. I do have an issue with the formatting on my screen. The rain columns don't line up correctly. Maybe it's the browser I use?
Name: Sam
From: Tyler
E-mail: Contact
Excellent site! This is a great resource, and just what I was looking for. Y’all have real data for my area, which is fantastic. All the other places I looked were completely off / incorrect. Keep up the great work!