Current Conditions
Updated: 5:59pm | Currently | Today's Extremes |
Temperature | 75.6°F | Hi: 79.0°F (3:59pm) Lo: 65.1°F (8:48am) |
24-hour temp difference | -14.5°F | |
Humidity | 46% | Hi: () Lo: () |
Dew Point How Does It Feel? |
53.4°F Pleasant |
Hi: °F () Lo: °F () |
Wind | @ Gusts: Wind Run: 33.2 miles |
Hi: () Lo: () |
Barometric Pressure | 30.05 inHg Steady |
Hi: in () Lo: in () |
UV Index | 0.0 |
Hi: 1.5 (1:39pm) |
Solar Radiation | 19 W/m2 | Hi: W/sqm () Lo: W/sqm () |
Rain 19 days since last rain 0 days of rain this month 83 days of rain this year |
Today: 0.00 in Yesterday: 0.00 in Last 7 Days: 0.00 in |
MTD: 0.00 in (Normal: 1.78 in) YTD: 58.91 in (Normal: 32.41 in) Record for this date: 3.08 in (1957) |
How Hot Has It Been?
Days with High 90°F or Above | Days with High 95°F or Above | Days with High 100°F or Above | |
71 | 4 | 0 | |
Projected Number of Days with High 90°F or Above for Summer – 78 Days | |||
"Hot Days" data is updated daily at Midnight |
Tyler Texas Area Forecast
Tonight Clear Low: 54° |
Tuesday Sunny High: 87° |
Tuesday night Mostly Clear Low: 51° |
Wednesday Sunny High: 69° |
Wednesday night Clear Low: 45° |
Thursday Sunny High: 72° |
PoP: 0% | PoP: 0% | PoP: 0% | PoP: 0% | PoP: 0% | PoP: 0% |
National Forecasts
Enter the City, State or Zipcode to find the forecast for a specific location, then click the weather service below for the forecast you want
Tyler Air Quality
Current Air Quality Index | ||||
10µm Particles NowCast |
10µm Particles 24-hr Avg |
2.5µm Particles NowCast |
2.5µm Particles 24-hr Avg |
Ozone |
6 | 18 | 24 | 64 | 44 |
Good | Good | Good | Moderate | Good |
Air Quality Forecast | |||
Forecast | 10µm Particles | 2.5µm Particles | Ozone |
Today | Good | Good | Moderate |
Tomorrow | Good | Good | Moderate |
Pollen Count
Allergen | G/CM | Result | Primary Pollen / Mold |
Trees | 0 | Absent | |
Weeds | 100 | High | Ragweed |
Grasses | 0 | Absent | |
Molds | 1,375 | Moderate | Ascomycetes, Cladosporium |
G/CM: Grains per Cubic Meter of Air | |||
Latest update available from UT Health Science Center at Tyler Posted at: 2:26PM Monday, October 14, 2024 Next Update: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 |
Allergy Forecast
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | ||||
Index | Description | Index | Description | Index | Description | Index | Description |
4.4 | Low-Medium | 4.2 | Low-Medium | 4.8 | Low-Medium | 2.8 | Low-Medium |
Predominant Pollen: Ragweed, Grasses, and Elm |
UV Forecast
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | ||||
UV Index | Description | UV Index | Description | UV Index | Description | UV Index | Description |
5.6 | High | 5.7 | High | 5.5 | High | 5.5 | High |
Solar Radiation Forecast
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | ||||
W/m2 | Description | W/m2 | Description | W/m2 | Description | W/m2 | Description |
736 | High | 763 | High | 750 | High | 734 | High |
Soil Moisture and Temperature
Depth |
Temp (°F) Now / Hi / Lo |
Temperature Status |
Moisture (cb) Now / Wettest / Driest |
Moisture Status |
4 inches | 69 / 70 / 68 | Optimal Shoot Growth | 55 / 54 / 56 | Irrigation Desired |
8 inches | 69 / 70 / 69 | Optimal Shoot Growth | 48 / 47 / 49 | Irrigation Desired |
Current Levels of Lakes within an approximate 50-mile Radius of Tyler
Click here to view locations of Tyler Area Lakes
Lake | Normal Level | Current Level | Departure from Normal | Water Temp | Last Update |
Lake Tyler | 375.40 feet | 374.20 feet | 1.20 feet below normal | 84°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Lake Palestine | 345.00 feet | 343.72 feet | 1.28 feet below normal | 87°F | 5:00pm on 10/14 |
Lake Fork | 403.00 feet | 400.93 feet | 2.07 feet below normal | 81°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Lake Athens | 440.00 feet | 439.14 feet | 0.86 feet below normal | 81°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Lake Tawakoni | 437.50 feet | 435.61 feet | 1.89 feet below normal | 82°F | 5:15pm on 10/14 |
Cedar Creek Rsvr | 322.00 feet | 319.28 feet | 2.72 feet below normal | 79°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Richland-Chambers | 315.00 feet | 313.48 feet | 1.52 feet below normal | 80°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Lake O' the Pines | 228.50 feet | 229.41 feet | 0.91 feet above normal | 90°F | 5:30pm on 10/14 |
Lake Bob Sandlin | 337.50 feet | 336.58 feet | 0.92 feet below normal | 85°F | 5:00pm on 10/14 |
Water Temps are updated weekly each Wednesday by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department N/A indicates the current data for the reporting station is not available |
Fire Danger
Fire Weather Index Forecast | ||||||
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday |
30 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 13 |
Very High | High | High | High | High | Very High | Moderate |
Click for Burn Ban Map |
Click for Drought Monitor |
Texas Extremes for Sunday, October 13, 2024
High Temp 104° F at Waco Regional Ap, TX |
Low Temp 48° F at Dumas Moore County Ap, TX |
Precipitation No Precipitation Reported for TX |
Contiguous US Extremes for Sunday, October 13, 2024
High Temp 104° F at Waco Regional Ap, TX |
Low Temp 18° F at Angel Fire Airport, NM |
Precipitation 1.4 in at Fort Lauderdale International Airport, FL |
Countdown to Autumn |
Autumn begins September 22 at 7:44AM CDT |
Did You Know?
Hail normally occurs in thunderstorms and is the result of strong up drafts that repeatedly carry growing chunks of ice upwards into the clouds. Once the hail stones become too heavy to be lifted by the up drafts, they fall to the ground. Sleet occurs during a winter storm and is caused by rain falling into a cold layer of air aloft which has to be below freezing. As the raindrops fall through the cold layer of air, they freeze and become small ice pellets. Freezing rain is basically rain that falls onto the ground and then freezes AFTER it hits the ground. It causes a glaze of ice on trees and any surface that is below freezing. Graupel forms as snow, then is rimed in layers by supercooled liquid from updrafts into showers. Usually occurs when the lower atmosphere is very unstable. Also called snow pellets.