Located right in the heart of Tyler, Texas, we provide up-to-the minute weather conditions, forecasts, and radar images. We also display a view of the weather in the Piney Woods of East Texas via our live webcam. Please let us know you stopped by and leave your comments about the site by clicking here.

Tyler Texas Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather station components used in the operation of this website.

System last rebooted at 4:00:24 PM on April 9, 2024
Station system up for 108 Days 14 Hours Minutes 14 Seconds
Station system memory status is 4070/16366 MB (free/total)

Virtual Weather Station up for 108 Days 13 Hours 59 Minutes 26 Seconds
Cumulus up for 108 Days 13 Hours 59 Minutes 19 Seconds

Vantage Pro 2 battery status is OK
VP 2 Console Battery Voltage is 4.64 volts
ISS Packet Reception Percentage is 97.9%

Computer Room
Indoor Temperature is 79.5°F
Indoor Humidity is 56%

Component Latest Update Time as of Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 6:00:38 AM CDT Age Status
WxSim Status Sat, 7/27/24 @ 6:00:34 AM CDT 4 seconds   OK
VWS FTP Uploads Sat, 7/27/24 @ 6:00:18 AM CDT 20 seconds   OK
Cumulus FTP Uploads Sat, 7/27/24 @ 6:00:10 AM CDT 28 seconds   OK
GRLevel3 Uploads Sat, 7/27/24 @ 5:57:18 AM CDT 3.3 minutes   OK
WxSim Forecast Fri, 7/26/24 @ 10:32:16 PM CDT 7.5 hours   Process Failed
TX-Tyler-WXK36 Stream started: Thu, 7/18/24 @ 3:09:51 PM CDT
Age: 8 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes, and 47 seconds
TX-Tyler-WXK36-alt1 Stream started: Thu, 7/18/24 @ 3:09:39 PM CDT
Age: 8 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes, and 59 seconds

NEXRAD Radar Status for Shreveport KSHV Radar

NEXRAD Radar KSHV status: Active [last data 0:01:28 h:m:s ago]
as of Sat, 27-Jul-2024 5:57am CDT

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status