Tyler Texas Weather - Freeze Data

Located in Tyler, Texas, we provide real-time weather conditions, forecasts, and radar images along with additional beneficial information and resources regarding our local weather and climate. We also display several views of our East Texas weather via our live streaming webcams. Please let us know you stopped by and leave your comments about the site by clicking here.

... Slight Risk for Strong to Severe Thunderstorms Wednesday ...
There is a slight risk (Level 2) of strong to severe thunderstorms Wednesday afternoon and evening. Damaging winds, large hail, and isolated tornados are possible.

Moon Phase
Day 12
Waxing Gibbous
96% Illuminated
Lunation: 1264
Next Full Moon is at
1:55 AM on Friday,
March 14, 2025
Moonrise 5:14pm
Moonset 6:22am

Normal Temps1
Hi 68.5°F
Lo 46.9°F
Yesterday's Temps
Hi 72.1°F (4:42pm)
Lo 41.1°F (6:17am)
Temps One Year Ago
Hi 70.9°F
Lo 47°F
Record Temps (TTW)2
Hi 80.8°F (2023)
Lo 32.2°F (2022)
Record Temps (Airport)3
Hi 91°F (1911)
Lo 15°F (1948)
1Tyler Pounds Airport normals (1991-2020)
2TylerTexasWeather.Com records since Nov 2006
3Tyler Pounds Airport records

Current Conditions

Updated11:18pm Currently Today's Extremes
Temperature 63.3°F Hi: 78.5°F (4:34pm)
Lo: 49.0°F (6:11am)
     24-hour temp difference 11.8°F  Falling Temps
Humidity 55% Hi:  ()
Lo:  ()
Dew Point
How Does It Feel?
   Very Dry   
Hi: °F ()
Lo: °F ()
Wind    @ 
Wind Run: 69.6 miles
Hi:  ()
Lo:  ()
Barometric Pressure 29.84 inHg
Hi:  in ()
Lo:  in ()
UV Index 0.0
Hi: 3.7 (1:16pm)
Solar Radiation 0 W/m2 Hi:  W/sqm ()
Lo:  W/sqm ()
Rain     3 days since last rain
        4 days of rain this month
         15 days of rain this year
Today: 0.00 in
Yesterday: 0.00 in
Last 7 Days: 0.32 in
MTD: 2.37 in  (Normal: 1.43 in)
YTD: 8.65 in  (Normal: 8.50 in)
Record for this date: 2.25 in (2009)

How Cold Has It Been?

Total Days with Low 32°F or Below Most Consecutive Days with Low 32°F or Below Total Days with High 32°F or Below Most Consecutive Days with High 32°F or Below
21 7 0 0
Projected Number of Days with Low Temperature of 32°F or Below for Winter – 24 Days

Tyler Texas Area Forecast

Rest of
Low: 57°

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
High: 81°
Low: 57°

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
High: 81°
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Low: 58°

Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
High: 82°
PoP: 0% PoP: 0% PoP: 0% PoP: 0% PoP: 0% PoP: 0%

National Forecasts

Enter the City, State or Zipcode to find the forecast for a specific location, then click the weather service below for the forecast you want

Tyler Air Quality

Current Air Quality Index
10µm Particles NowCast 10µm Particles
24-hr Avg
2.5µm Particles NowCast 2.5µm Particles
24-hr Avg
6 5 24 19 N/A
 Good   Good   Good   Good   N/A

Air Quality Forecast
Forecast 10µm Particles 2.5µm Particles Ozone
Today  Good   Moderate   Moderate 
Tomorrow  Good   Moderate   Good 

Pollen Count

The company that provides the loaner pollen machine and does repairs informed UTHSC today they are currently in the middle of a transition and it will be a little longer before they can send a loaner. We do apologize for this inconvenience. Please know that UTHSC is also reaching out to see if another company can be located to provide a loaner pollen machine while waiting for the repair. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

Allergy Forecast

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Index Description Index Description Index Description Index Description
10.2  High  11.3  High  11.4  High  10.4  High 
Predominant Pollen: Juniper, Oak, and Ash

UV Forecast

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
UV Index Description UV Index Description UV Index Description UV Index Description
6.6  High  6.7  High  7.4  High  5.5  High 

Solar Radiation Forecast

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
W/m2 Description W/m2 Description W/m2 Description W/m2 Description
765  High  726  High  819  High  833  High 

Soil Moisture and Temperature

Depth Temp (°F)
Now / Hi / Lo
Temperature Status Moisture (cb)
Now / Wettest / Driest
Moisture Status
4 inches 55 / 57 / 51    Optimal Root Growth    15 / 14 / 15    Adequately Wet   
8 inches 55 / 55 / 52    Optimal Root Growth    5 / 5 / 5    Saturated Soil   

Current Levels of Lakes within an approximate 50-mile Radius of Tyler
Click here to view locations of Tyler Area Lakes

Lake Normal Level Current Level Departure from Normal Water Temp Last Update
Lake Tyler 375.40 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 50°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake Palestine 345.00 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 60°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake Fork 403.00 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 60°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake Athens 440.00 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 58°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake Tawakoni 437.50 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 51°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Cedar Creek Rsvr 322.00 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 54°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Richland-Chambers 315.00 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 53°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake O' the Pines 228.50 feet feet 228.50 feet below normal 55°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Lake Bob Sandlin 337.50 feet N/A feet N/A feet N/A 50°F 9:18 PM on 03/11
Water Temps are updated weekly each Wednesday by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
N/A indicates the current data for the reporting station is not available

Fire Danger

Fire Weather Index Forecast
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
13 8 14 12 10 15 15
 Moderate   Moderate   High   Moderate   Moderate   High   High 

Texas Extremes for Monday, March 10, 2025

   High Temp   
86° F at Faith Ranch Airport, TX
   Low Temp   
26° F at Brownwood Municipal Ap, TX
0.07 in at Mount Pleasant Airport, TX

Contiguous US Extremes for Monday, March 10, 2025

   High Temp   
95° F at San Diego Brown Field, CA
   Low Temp   
1° F at Big Piney Marbleton Ap, WY
9.99 in at Hampton Roads Executive Airport, VA

Countdown to Spring
 Spring begins March 20 at 4:01AM  CST  

Did You Know?

The mean time for one lunar phase cycle (i.e., the synodic period of the Moon) is 29.530589 days, or 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3 seconds. More specifically, a lunation is also commonly defined as the mean time between successive new moons. The lunation number is defined as the number of lunations since the first new moon that occurred in 1923.